Standard Operating Procedure in Exposed Spaces
Now, more than ever, the importance of safe and effective operating procedures is paramount. Daycon has created a standard operating procedure that will help your COVID-19 response teams appropriately address and remedy an outbreak within a building. Daycon is always here to assist with your training and documentation needs.
Materials Needed:
- All appropriate PPE- approved mask, full body covering such as a Tyvek suit, gloves, eye wear. Not exposed skin.
- Approved EPA registered disinfectant (see EPA’s “N” list). Neutral pH preferred.
- Electrostatic Sprayer or other broad application tool
- Green and/or yellow microfiber cloth (will be disposed of)
- Trash liners
- “Closed for Cleaning” and/or caution signs
- Air mover (ventilation from open windows is also acceptable)
- Have proper communication plan with building manager and staff
- Review chemical SDS sheets
- Ensure cleaning personnel is properly trained on safe and effective procedures
- Schedule time to complete response disinfection
- DO NOT PROCEED without proper PPE available
Step by Step:
- Don all appropriate, approved PPE
- Close area to any occupants using “Closed for Cleaning” and caution signs at any entry point
- Ensure room is well-ventilated with air mover or multiple open windows (depending on space size). Air movement within area should be noticeable
- Pre-clean areas with microfiber cloth dampened with neutral cleaner or water. This includes wiping all furniture, furnishings, hard surfaces and touch points
- Apply disinfectant with broad application. This can be done with an electrostatic sprayer, atomizing sprayer, pump sprayer or spray bottle. All areas must receive full application which requires enough disinfectant to maintain dampness for at least the required dwell period listed on the disinfectants product information sheet. This may vary from as low as 1 minute to as much as 10 minutes
- Once disinfectant has been allowed the proper dwell time, follow with full wipe down of entire area with appropriate microfiber cloth. For added cleaning, you may choose to pre-spray microfiber with proper disinfectant prior to wipe down
- Once area is fully wiped down and dry, place all cloths in a trash liner that will not tear. Tie off liner and place within a second liner. Again, tie liner off. This must be disposed of directly into secured trash disposal area (dumpster)*
- Replace all furnishings to their original places
- Remove all PPE
- Remove all closed/caution signage, place all disposable PPE in a trash liner that will not tear. Tie off liner and place within a second liner. Again, tie liner off. This must be disposed of directly into secured trash disposal area (dumpster)*
- Remove all closed/caution signage and exit area
*Note: Proper Manager may have plan for other cloth and PPE disposal